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the father of Caunus and Byblis

  • 1 Milesia

    Mīlētus, i, m., = Milêtos, the father of Caunus and Byblis, Ov. M. 9, 443.— Hence, Mīlētis, ĭdis, f., the daughter of Miletus:


    Ov. M. 9, 634.
    Mīlētus ( - tos), i, f., = Milêtos, the city of Miletus, in Caria, the birthplace of Thales, Mel. 1, 17, 1; Plin. 5, 29, 31, § 112; Cic. Att. 9, 9, 2.—Esp., as a proverb for luxury and wantonness:

    paupertas Romana perit, hinc fluxit ad istos et Sybaris colles, hinc et Rhodos et Miletos,

    Juv. 6, 296. —Hence,
    Mīlēsĭus, a, um, adj., = Milêsios, of or belonging to the city of Miletus, Milesian:

    Milesia mulier,

    Cic. Clu. 11, 32:


    Verg. G. 3, 306:


    Plin. 29, 2, 9, § 33:


    id. 21, 4, 10, § 16: deus, i. e. Apollo, who had a temple and oracle at Miletus, App. M. 4, p. 157, 19:


    Val. Max. 1, 1, 5: carmina, v. in the foll.—
    Mīlēsĭa, ae, f., Miletus:

    propter Milesiae conditorem,

    App. M. 4, p. 157, 29.—
    Mīlēsii, ōrum, m., the inhabitants of Miletus, Milesians, famous for their luxury and wantonness, Liv. 38, 39. 9;

    hence, transf.: Milesia carmina,

    wanton, lascivious songs, Ov. Tr. 2, 413:

    sermo Milesius,

    obscent stories, App. M. 1 init.; for which, as subst., Mīlēsĭae, ārum, f. plur. (sc. fabulae), Sev. Aug. ap. Capitol. Albin. 12.—
    Mī-lētis, ĭdis, f. adj., of or belonging to Miletus, Milesian:

    Miletida ad urbem, i. e. Tomi,

    a colony of Milesians, Ov. Tr. 1, 10, 41.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Milesia

  • 2 Milesiae

    Mīlētus, i, m., = Milêtos, the father of Caunus and Byblis, Ov. M. 9, 443.— Hence, Mīlētis, ĭdis, f., the daughter of Miletus:


    Ov. M. 9, 634.
    Mīlētus ( - tos), i, f., = Milêtos, the city of Miletus, in Caria, the birthplace of Thales, Mel. 1, 17, 1; Plin. 5, 29, 31, § 112; Cic. Att. 9, 9, 2.—Esp., as a proverb for luxury and wantonness:

    paupertas Romana perit, hinc fluxit ad istos et Sybaris colles, hinc et Rhodos et Miletos,

    Juv. 6, 296. —Hence,
    Mīlēsĭus, a, um, adj., = Milêsios, of or belonging to the city of Miletus, Milesian:

    Milesia mulier,

    Cic. Clu. 11, 32:


    Verg. G. 3, 306:


    Plin. 29, 2, 9, § 33:


    id. 21, 4, 10, § 16: deus, i. e. Apollo, who had a temple and oracle at Miletus, App. M. 4, p. 157, 19:


    Val. Max. 1, 1, 5: carmina, v. in the foll.—
    Mīlēsĭa, ae, f., Miletus:

    propter Milesiae conditorem,

    App. M. 4, p. 157, 29.—
    Mīlēsii, ōrum, m., the inhabitants of Miletus, Milesians, famous for their luxury and wantonness, Liv. 38, 39. 9;

    hence, transf.: Milesia carmina,

    wanton, lascivious songs, Ov. Tr. 2, 413:

    sermo Milesius,

    obscent stories, App. M. 1 init.; for which, as subst., Mīlēsĭae, ārum, f. plur. (sc. fabulae), Sev. Aug. ap. Capitol. Albin. 12.—
    Mī-lētis, ĭdis, f. adj., of or belonging to Miletus, Milesian:

    Miletida ad urbem, i. e. Tomi,

    a colony of Milesians, Ov. Tr. 1, 10, 41.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Milesiae

  • 3 Milesii

    Mīlētus, i, m., = Milêtos, the father of Caunus and Byblis, Ov. M. 9, 443.— Hence, Mīlētis, ĭdis, f., the daughter of Miletus:


    Ov. M. 9, 634.
    Mīlētus ( - tos), i, f., = Milêtos, the city of Miletus, in Caria, the birthplace of Thales, Mel. 1, 17, 1; Plin. 5, 29, 31, § 112; Cic. Att. 9, 9, 2.—Esp., as a proverb for luxury and wantonness:

    paupertas Romana perit, hinc fluxit ad istos et Sybaris colles, hinc et Rhodos et Miletos,

    Juv. 6, 296. —Hence,
    Mīlēsĭus, a, um, adj., = Milêsios, of or belonging to the city of Miletus, Milesian:

    Milesia mulier,

    Cic. Clu. 11, 32:


    Verg. G. 3, 306:


    Plin. 29, 2, 9, § 33:


    id. 21, 4, 10, § 16: deus, i. e. Apollo, who had a temple and oracle at Miletus, App. M. 4, p. 157, 19:


    Val. Max. 1, 1, 5: carmina, v. in the foll.—
    Mīlēsĭa, ae, f., Miletus:

    propter Milesiae conditorem,

    App. M. 4, p. 157, 29.—
    Mīlēsii, ōrum, m., the inhabitants of Miletus, Milesians, famous for their luxury and wantonness, Liv. 38, 39. 9;

    hence, transf.: Milesia carmina,

    wanton, lascivious songs, Ov. Tr. 2, 413:

    sermo Milesius,

    obscent stories, App. M. 1 init.; for which, as subst., Mīlēsĭae, ārum, f. plur. (sc. fabulae), Sev. Aug. ap. Capitol. Albin. 12.—
    Mī-lētis, ĭdis, f. adj., of or belonging to Miletus, Milesian:

    Miletida ad urbem, i. e. Tomi,

    a colony of Milesians, Ov. Tr. 1, 10, 41.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Milesii

  • 4 Miletos

    Mīlētus, i, m., = Milêtos, the father of Caunus and Byblis, Ov. M. 9, 443.— Hence, Mīlētis, ĭdis, f., the daughter of Miletus:


    Ov. M. 9, 634.
    Mīlētus ( - tos), i, f., = Milêtos, the city of Miletus, in Caria, the birthplace of Thales, Mel. 1, 17, 1; Plin. 5, 29, 31, § 112; Cic. Att. 9, 9, 2.—Esp., as a proverb for luxury and wantonness:

    paupertas Romana perit, hinc fluxit ad istos et Sybaris colles, hinc et Rhodos et Miletos,

    Juv. 6, 296. —Hence,
    Mīlēsĭus, a, um, adj., = Milêsios, of or belonging to the city of Miletus, Milesian:

    Milesia mulier,

    Cic. Clu. 11, 32:


    Verg. G. 3, 306:


    Plin. 29, 2, 9, § 33:


    id. 21, 4, 10, § 16: deus, i. e. Apollo, who had a temple and oracle at Miletus, App. M. 4, p. 157, 19:


    Val. Max. 1, 1, 5: carmina, v. in the foll.—
    Mīlēsĭa, ae, f., Miletus:

    propter Milesiae conditorem,

    App. M. 4, p. 157, 29.—
    Mīlēsii, ōrum, m., the inhabitants of Miletus, Milesians, famous for their luxury and wantonness, Liv. 38, 39. 9;

    hence, transf.: Milesia carmina,

    wanton, lascivious songs, Ov. Tr. 2, 413:

    sermo Milesius,

    obscent stories, App. M. 1 init.; for which, as subst., Mīlēsĭae, ārum, f. plur. (sc. fabulae), Sev. Aug. ap. Capitol. Albin. 12.—
    Mī-lētis, ĭdis, f. adj., of or belonging to Miletus, Milesian:

    Miletida ad urbem, i. e. Tomi,

    a colony of Milesians, Ov. Tr. 1, 10, 41.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Miletos

  • 5 Miletus

    Mīlētus, i, m., = Milêtos, the father of Caunus and Byblis, Ov. M. 9, 443.— Hence, Mīlētis, ĭdis, f., the daughter of Miletus:


    Ov. M. 9, 634.
    Mīlētus ( - tos), i, f., = Milêtos, the city of Miletus, in Caria, the birthplace of Thales, Mel. 1, 17, 1; Plin. 5, 29, 31, § 112; Cic. Att. 9, 9, 2.—Esp., as a proverb for luxury and wantonness:

    paupertas Romana perit, hinc fluxit ad istos et Sybaris colles, hinc et Rhodos et Miletos,

    Juv. 6, 296. —Hence,
    Mīlēsĭus, a, um, adj., = Milêsios, of or belonging to the city of Miletus, Milesian:

    Milesia mulier,

    Cic. Clu. 11, 32:


    Verg. G. 3, 306:


    Plin. 29, 2, 9, § 33:


    id. 21, 4, 10, § 16: deus, i. e. Apollo, who had a temple and oracle at Miletus, App. M. 4, p. 157, 19:


    Val. Max. 1, 1, 5: carmina, v. in the foll.—
    Mīlēsĭa, ae, f., Miletus:

    propter Milesiae conditorem,

    App. M. 4, p. 157, 29.—
    Mīlēsii, ōrum, m., the inhabitants of Miletus, Milesians, famous for their luxury and wantonness, Liv. 38, 39. 9;

    hence, transf.: Milesia carmina,

    wanton, lascivious songs, Ov. Tr. 2, 413:

    sermo Milesius,

    obscent stories, App. M. 1 init.; for which, as subst., Mīlēsĭae, ārum, f. plur. (sc. fabulae), Sev. Aug. ap. Capitol. Albin. 12.—
    Mī-lētis, ĭdis, f. adj., of or belonging to Miletus, Milesian:

    Miletida ad urbem, i. e. Tomi,

    a colony of Milesians, Ov. Tr. 1, 10, 41.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Miletus

  • 6 Maeander

    Maeander ( Maeandros or Mae-andrus), dri, m., = Maiandros, a river, proverbial for its winding course, which rises in Great Phrygia, flows between Lydia and Caria, and falls, near Miletus, into the Icarian Sea, now Mendere Su; nom. Maeander, Liv. 38, 13, 7; Sen. Ep. 104, 15; Plin. 2, 85, 87, § 201; 5, 29, 31, § 113; Claud. Eutr. 2, 266; Avien. Perieg. 999:


    Ov. M. 2, 246; 8, 162; id. H. 9, 55:


    Sil. 7, 139; Paul. ex Fest. p. 136 Müll.; acc. Maeandrum, Liv. 38, 12; 13:


    Luc. 3, 208:

    more Maeandri,

    i. e. with turnings and windings, Col. 8, 17, 11.—
    Personified, acc. to the fable, the father of Cyane, and grandfather of Caunus and Byblis, Ov. M. 9, 450.—
    Transf. (from the windings of the Mæander), as an appellative, and hence also in the plur.
    A crooked or roundabout way, a turning, twisting, winding, meandering, maze, etc.:

    quos tu Maeandros, quae deverticula flexionesque quaesisti?

    Cic. Pis. 22, 53; Amm. 30, 1, 12; cf. Ov. M. 2, 246; 8, 162 sqq.; Sil. 7, 139; Sen. Herc. Fur. 683:

    in illis dialecticae gyris atque Maeandris,

    Gell. 16, 8, 17:

    Maeandros faciebat et gyros, etc.,

    Amm. 30, 1:


    Prud. Cath. 6, 142.—
    In embroidery, a border wrought with many involutions or windings:

    victori chlamydem auratam, quam plurima circum Purpura Maeandro duplici Meliboea cucurrit,

    Verg. A. 5, 251; cf. Serv. in loc.; cf. Non. 140, 2, and Paul. ex Fest. p. 136 Müll.— Hence,
    II. A.
    Maeandrĭus, a, um, adj., = Maiandrios.
    Of or belonging to Mæander, Mæandrian:

    juvenis Maeandrius,

    i. e. Caunus, the grandson of Mæander, Ov. M. 9, 573.—
    Of or belonging to the river Mæander, Mæandrian:


    Prop. 3, 32, 35:


    Claud. VI. Cons. Honor. 635.—
    Maeandrĭcus, a, um, adj., Mæandrian (acc. to I. B. 2.):


    Tert. Pall. 4 med.
    * C.
    Maeandrātus, a, um, adj., full of curves like the Mæander, Mæandrian: facies Maeandrata et vermiculata, Varr. ap. Non. 140, 5 (Sat. Men. 86, 14).

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Maeander

  • 7 Maeandratus

    Maeander ( Maeandros or Mae-andrus), dri, m., = Maiandros, a river, proverbial for its winding course, which rises in Great Phrygia, flows between Lydia and Caria, and falls, near Miletus, into the Icarian Sea, now Mendere Su; nom. Maeander, Liv. 38, 13, 7; Sen. Ep. 104, 15; Plin. 2, 85, 87, § 201; 5, 29, 31, § 113; Claud. Eutr. 2, 266; Avien. Perieg. 999:


    Ov. M. 2, 246; 8, 162; id. H. 9, 55:


    Sil. 7, 139; Paul. ex Fest. p. 136 Müll.; acc. Maeandrum, Liv. 38, 12; 13:


    Luc. 3, 208:

    more Maeandri,

    i. e. with turnings and windings, Col. 8, 17, 11.—
    Personified, acc. to the fable, the father of Cyane, and grandfather of Caunus and Byblis, Ov. M. 9, 450.—
    Transf. (from the windings of the Mæander), as an appellative, and hence also in the plur.
    A crooked or roundabout way, a turning, twisting, winding, meandering, maze, etc.:

    quos tu Maeandros, quae deverticula flexionesque quaesisti?

    Cic. Pis. 22, 53; Amm. 30, 1, 12; cf. Ov. M. 2, 246; 8, 162 sqq.; Sil. 7, 139; Sen. Herc. Fur. 683:

    in illis dialecticae gyris atque Maeandris,

    Gell. 16, 8, 17:

    Maeandros faciebat et gyros, etc.,

    Amm. 30, 1:


    Prud. Cath. 6, 142.—
    In embroidery, a border wrought with many involutions or windings:

    victori chlamydem auratam, quam plurima circum Purpura Maeandro duplici Meliboea cucurrit,

    Verg. A. 5, 251; cf. Serv. in loc.; cf. Non. 140, 2, and Paul. ex Fest. p. 136 Müll.— Hence,
    II. A.
    Maeandrĭus, a, um, adj., = Maiandrios.
    Of or belonging to Mæander, Mæandrian:

    juvenis Maeandrius,

    i. e. Caunus, the grandson of Mæander, Ov. M. 9, 573.—
    Of or belonging to the river Mæander, Mæandrian:


    Prop. 3, 32, 35:


    Claud. VI. Cons. Honor. 635.—
    Maeandrĭcus, a, um, adj., Mæandrian (acc. to I. B. 2.):


    Tert. Pall. 4 med.
    * C.
    Maeandrātus, a, um, adj., full of curves like the Mæander, Mæandrian: facies Maeandrata et vermiculata, Varr. ap. Non. 140, 5 (Sat. Men. 86, 14).

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Maeandratus

  • 8 Maeandricus

    Maeander ( Maeandros or Mae-andrus), dri, m., = Maiandros, a river, proverbial for its winding course, which rises in Great Phrygia, flows between Lydia and Caria, and falls, near Miletus, into the Icarian Sea, now Mendere Su; nom. Maeander, Liv. 38, 13, 7; Sen. Ep. 104, 15; Plin. 2, 85, 87, § 201; 5, 29, 31, § 113; Claud. Eutr. 2, 266; Avien. Perieg. 999:


    Ov. M. 2, 246; 8, 162; id. H. 9, 55:


    Sil. 7, 139; Paul. ex Fest. p. 136 Müll.; acc. Maeandrum, Liv. 38, 12; 13:


    Luc. 3, 208:

    more Maeandri,

    i. e. with turnings and windings, Col. 8, 17, 11.—
    Personified, acc. to the fable, the father of Cyane, and grandfather of Caunus and Byblis, Ov. M. 9, 450.—
    Transf. (from the windings of the Mæander), as an appellative, and hence also in the plur.
    A crooked or roundabout way, a turning, twisting, winding, meandering, maze, etc.:

    quos tu Maeandros, quae deverticula flexionesque quaesisti?

    Cic. Pis. 22, 53; Amm. 30, 1, 12; cf. Ov. M. 2, 246; 8, 162 sqq.; Sil. 7, 139; Sen. Herc. Fur. 683:

    in illis dialecticae gyris atque Maeandris,

    Gell. 16, 8, 17:

    Maeandros faciebat et gyros, etc.,

    Amm. 30, 1:


    Prud. Cath. 6, 142.—
    In embroidery, a border wrought with many involutions or windings:

    victori chlamydem auratam, quam plurima circum Purpura Maeandro duplici Meliboea cucurrit,

    Verg. A. 5, 251; cf. Serv. in loc.; cf. Non. 140, 2, and Paul. ex Fest. p. 136 Müll.— Hence,
    II. A.
    Maeandrĭus, a, um, adj., = Maiandrios.
    Of or belonging to Mæander, Mæandrian:

    juvenis Maeandrius,

    i. e. Caunus, the grandson of Mæander, Ov. M. 9, 573.—
    Of or belonging to the river Mæander, Mæandrian:


    Prop. 3, 32, 35:


    Claud. VI. Cons. Honor. 635.—
    Maeandrĭcus, a, um, adj., Mæandrian (acc. to I. B. 2.):


    Tert. Pall. 4 med.
    * C.
    Maeandrātus, a, um, adj., full of curves like the Mæander, Mæandrian: facies Maeandrata et vermiculata, Varr. ap. Non. 140, 5 (Sat. Men. 86, 14).

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Maeandricus

  • 9 Maeandrius

    Maeander ( Maeandros or Mae-andrus), dri, m., = Maiandros, a river, proverbial for its winding course, which rises in Great Phrygia, flows between Lydia and Caria, and falls, near Miletus, into the Icarian Sea, now Mendere Su; nom. Maeander, Liv. 38, 13, 7; Sen. Ep. 104, 15; Plin. 2, 85, 87, § 201; 5, 29, 31, § 113; Claud. Eutr. 2, 266; Avien. Perieg. 999:


    Ov. M. 2, 246; 8, 162; id. H. 9, 55:


    Sil. 7, 139; Paul. ex Fest. p. 136 Müll.; acc. Maeandrum, Liv. 38, 12; 13:


    Luc. 3, 208:

    more Maeandri,

    i. e. with turnings and windings, Col. 8, 17, 11.—
    Personified, acc. to the fable, the father of Cyane, and grandfather of Caunus and Byblis, Ov. M. 9, 450.—
    Transf. (from the windings of the Mæander), as an appellative, and hence also in the plur.
    A crooked or roundabout way, a turning, twisting, winding, meandering, maze, etc.:

    quos tu Maeandros, quae deverticula flexionesque quaesisti?

    Cic. Pis. 22, 53; Amm. 30, 1, 12; cf. Ov. M. 2, 246; 8, 162 sqq.; Sil. 7, 139; Sen. Herc. Fur. 683:

    in illis dialecticae gyris atque Maeandris,

    Gell. 16, 8, 17:

    Maeandros faciebat et gyros, etc.,

    Amm. 30, 1:


    Prud. Cath. 6, 142.—
    In embroidery, a border wrought with many involutions or windings:

    victori chlamydem auratam, quam plurima circum Purpura Maeandro duplici Meliboea cucurrit,

    Verg. A. 5, 251; cf. Serv. in loc.; cf. Non. 140, 2, and Paul. ex Fest. p. 136 Müll.— Hence,
    II. A.
    Maeandrĭus, a, um, adj., = Maiandrios.
    Of or belonging to Mæander, Mæandrian:

    juvenis Maeandrius,

    i. e. Caunus, the grandson of Mæander, Ov. M. 9, 573.—
    Of or belonging to the river Mæander, Mæandrian:


    Prop. 3, 32, 35:


    Claud. VI. Cons. Honor. 635.—
    Maeandrĭcus, a, um, adj., Mæandrian (acc. to I. B. 2.):


    Tert. Pall. 4 med.
    * C.
    Maeandrātus, a, um, adj., full of curves like the Mæander, Mæandrian: facies Maeandrata et vermiculata, Varr. ap. Non. 140, 5 (Sat. Men. 86, 14).

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Maeandrius

  • 10 Maeandros

    Maeander ( Maeandros or Mae-andrus), dri, m., = Maiandros, a river, proverbial for its winding course, which rises in Great Phrygia, flows between Lydia and Caria, and falls, near Miletus, into the Icarian Sea, now Mendere Su; nom. Maeander, Liv. 38, 13, 7; Sen. Ep. 104, 15; Plin. 2, 85, 87, § 201; 5, 29, 31, § 113; Claud. Eutr. 2, 266; Avien. Perieg. 999:


    Ov. M. 2, 246; 8, 162; id. H. 9, 55:


    Sil. 7, 139; Paul. ex Fest. p. 136 Müll.; acc. Maeandrum, Liv. 38, 12; 13:


    Luc. 3, 208:

    more Maeandri,

    i. e. with turnings and windings, Col. 8, 17, 11.—
    Personified, acc. to the fable, the father of Cyane, and grandfather of Caunus and Byblis, Ov. M. 9, 450.—
    Transf. (from the windings of the Mæander), as an appellative, and hence also in the plur.
    A crooked or roundabout way, a turning, twisting, winding, meandering, maze, etc.:

    quos tu Maeandros, quae deverticula flexionesque quaesisti?

    Cic. Pis. 22, 53; Amm. 30, 1, 12; cf. Ov. M. 2, 246; 8, 162 sqq.; Sil. 7, 139; Sen. Herc. Fur. 683:

    in illis dialecticae gyris atque Maeandris,

    Gell. 16, 8, 17:

    Maeandros faciebat et gyros, etc.,

    Amm. 30, 1:


    Prud. Cath. 6, 142.—
    In embroidery, a border wrought with many involutions or windings:

    victori chlamydem auratam, quam plurima circum Purpura Maeandro duplici Meliboea cucurrit,

    Verg. A. 5, 251; cf. Serv. in loc.; cf. Non. 140, 2, and Paul. ex Fest. p. 136 Müll.— Hence,
    II. A.
    Maeandrĭus, a, um, adj., = Maiandrios.
    Of or belonging to Mæander, Mæandrian:

    juvenis Maeandrius,

    i. e. Caunus, the grandson of Mæander, Ov. M. 9, 573.—
    Of or belonging to the river Mæander, Mæandrian:


    Prop. 3, 32, 35:


    Claud. VI. Cons. Honor. 635.—
    Maeandrĭcus, a, um, adj., Mæandrian (acc. to I. B. 2.):


    Tert. Pall. 4 med.
    * C.
    Maeandrātus, a, um, adj., full of curves like the Mæander, Mæandrian: facies Maeandrata et vermiculata, Varr. ap. Non. 140, 5 (Sat. Men. 86, 14).

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Maeandros

  • 11 Maeandrus

    Maeander ( Maeandros or Mae-andrus), dri, m., = Maiandros, a river, proverbial for its winding course, which rises in Great Phrygia, flows between Lydia and Caria, and falls, near Miletus, into the Icarian Sea, now Mendere Su; nom. Maeander, Liv. 38, 13, 7; Sen. Ep. 104, 15; Plin. 2, 85, 87, § 201; 5, 29, 31, § 113; Claud. Eutr. 2, 266; Avien. Perieg. 999:


    Ov. M. 2, 246; 8, 162; id. H. 9, 55:


    Sil. 7, 139; Paul. ex Fest. p. 136 Müll.; acc. Maeandrum, Liv. 38, 12; 13:


    Luc. 3, 208:

    more Maeandri,

    i. e. with turnings and windings, Col. 8, 17, 11.—
    Personified, acc. to the fable, the father of Cyane, and grandfather of Caunus and Byblis, Ov. M. 9, 450.—
    Transf. (from the windings of the Mæander), as an appellative, and hence also in the plur.
    A crooked or roundabout way, a turning, twisting, winding, meandering, maze, etc.:

    quos tu Maeandros, quae deverticula flexionesque quaesisti?

    Cic. Pis. 22, 53; Amm. 30, 1, 12; cf. Ov. M. 2, 246; 8, 162 sqq.; Sil. 7, 139; Sen. Herc. Fur. 683:

    in illis dialecticae gyris atque Maeandris,

    Gell. 16, 8, 17:

    Maeandros faciebat et gyros, etc.,

    Amm. 30, 1:


    Prud. Cath. 6, 142.—
    In embroidery, a border wrought with many involutions or windings:

    victori chlamydem auratam, quam plurima circum Purpura Maeandro duplici Meliboea cucurrit,

    Verg. A. 5, 251; cf. Serv. in loc.; cf. Non. 140, 2, and Paul. ex Fest. p. 136 Müll.— Hence,
    II. A.
    Maeandrĭus, a, um, adj., = Maiandrios.
    Of or belonging to Mæander, Mæandrian:

    juvenis Maeandrius,

    i. e. Caunus, the grandson of Mæander, Ov. M. 9, 573.—
    Of or belonging to the river Mæander, Mæandrian:


    Prop. 3, 32, 35:


    Claud. VI. Cons. Honor. 635.—
    Maeandrĭcus, a, um, adj., Mæandrian (acc. to I. B. 2.):


    Tert. Pall. 4 med.
    * C.
    Maeandrātus, a, um, adj., full of curves like the Mæander, Mæandrian: facies Maeandrata et vermiculata, Varr. ap. Non. 140, 5 (Sat. Men. 86, 14).

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Maeandrus

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